Fulton & Brewerton Speedways Await NYS Government Approval To Open With Fans

Story By: DAVE MEDLER / BREWERTON & FULTON SPEEDWAY – BALDWINSVILLE, NY – In recent days, some New York State tracks have responded to a June 26 circuit court judgment that ruled that religious gatherings be treated the same as other gatherings in New York.
While that ruling is a positive step toward the re-opening of outdoor activities, Oswego County officials and officials from Governor Cuomo’s office confirmed to Brewerton and Fulton Speedway management on Tuesday, June 30 that there has been no change in the government’s stance on outdoor gatherings and auto racing.
Governor Cuomo’s Executive order first dated June 1 then updated June 21, states:
“Any licensee or franchisee of a racetrack in the State is hereby permitted to operate such racetrack as of June 1, 2020, provided such racetrack does not permit any visitor or fan into the facility, and allows on site only essential personnel; and provided further that such licensee or franchisee of a racetrack, and all essential personnel adhere to any directive or guidance issued by the Department of Health and/or by the Gaming Commission.”
“We are anxious to go, but our position all along has been we are going to do things by the book regarding this pandemic – whether for the safety of our constituents or for the preservation of our operational status” said Cory Reed, Track GM. “We understand fans and teams want to get started, but with state licensing and permitting so valuable to our operation, we are erring on the side of caution. When push comes to shove, the governor’s office dictates what can and cannot open and at what capacity at this point, right or wrong. During our call with them, they reiterated the executive order stands as written.”